Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What is Leadership? Really.

Amongst all the seminars, conferences, websites, books and the examples of leadership that we see daily, have you ever asked yourself what does it mean to be a leader and if you have kids, how do you encourage them to be leaders when offered the chance?

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines leadership as "the action of leading a group of people, organization, etc." or "the power or ability to lead other people". If you break it down to the verb, another applicable definition of lead is "to direct on a course or in a direction."

By definition, true leadership requires followers. So how do you get others to follow you? There are plenty of examples, both good and bad, throughout history, sports, politics, business and communities. Some that come to mind are Gandhi, Hitler, Teddy Roosevelt, JFK, Mother Teresa and Vince Lombardi. One thing that is common among leaders is a passion for their vision. How they demonstrate their passion will vary along a spectrum, yet people will connect with that vision and the charisma of the leader. For followers, they search for resonance with those visions, looking for direction and answers to what will help them in living a life well lived.

Leadership is also something that is in the eye of the beholder. While many can condemn the actions of certain leaders, one cannot deny the ability of a Hitler to amass millions of followers even to this day. Even at the local level, we can see who has influence, who can motivate and who drives an idea to fruition. And who is a flash in the pan, someone with perceived leadership qualities but cannot resonate with their prospective followers.

Passion for their vision requires having a vision and communicating this vision is the challenge of a leader. You may jump up and down, shout down your opposition but if you do not have a clear, defined, popular vision, you will get nowhere. You may be good at one-on-one leadership or you may be the great orator that all Toastmasters aspire to be. Getting your message across is vital to being a leader.

Many entrepreneurs talk about their vision. Great leaders have a vision for the future of their countries, communities, businesses, teams or humanity. And faith in that vision must remain unshakeable. A prominent Star Wars character once said, "I find your lack of faith disturbing." And yes, you may be able to use "the force" to "motivate", but it may not be the best tool in your toolbox. 
Star Wars Episode IV:
Star Wars Episode IV: "I find your lack of faith disturbing"
In the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" (timely with the holidays upon us), George Bailey is given the opportunity to see what Bedford Falls would look like if he had never been born. He sees what can happen to a community where his leadership is missing, compassion for the common man is devoid and where greed and personal gain have consumed a community.
It's A Wonderful Life (1946) - James Stewart - George Bailey's Speech to Potter & the Loan Board
It's A Wonderful Life (1946) - James Stewart - George Bailey's Speech to Potter & the Loan Board
So where does this all lead us? When you have the opportunity to be a leader, ask yourself which path you want to take. When you are teaching young people how to lead, ask them what kind of person they wish to become. When you are in a leadership position, ask yourself which path will the community take based on your leadership. See a future that is better than the one that currently exists. Isn't that what previous generations have taught us or have we forgotten all that they sacrificed to give us a better opportunity in life?

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