Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Are you going BIG or going home? Coaching and consulting in today's business world

One of the great things about being a member of ProNet in Reno, a member-based organization of unemployed professionals, is the quality of speakers at the Monday morning meetings.  Yes, the meetings are required to be an active member of this non-profit, and the speakers are always informative, interesting and timely.  This past week we had a speaker that blew everyone's socks off.  Brian Sharp is a speaker and business coach with his own firm, Go BIG.  Now you are probably thinking that you've heard it all, seen it all, played the game and bought the t-shirt, yet I have to say that Brian (sorry but he's a little too young and hip for me to call him Mr. Sharp) hit home for those of us that were lucky enough to listen to his down-to-earth style, simple strategies and stories that came from the heart.  Check out his website Go Big Company to see more about what he has to offer.

Being from Northern California and having lived in San Diego for 15 years, I really could relate to the surfing analogies that he used.  Great imagery defined him right from the start.  And what does the B-I-G stand for in Go BIG?  Believe-Identify-Go Big. 

Starting with Believe, he laid out the idea of starting the day on purpose.  Use silence to clear the mind.  Have gratitude for everything you have in life.  Speak affirmations to bring yourself into greatness.  Visualize the results.  He's probably not the first to say these things or to even say them together, but Brian gave us all a road map that would help us believe in ourselves.

Moving on to Identify, this section was all about being focused and fanatical about setting priorities, creating strategies and committing to activity that will meet those goals.  He even quoted Yoda - "Do or not do, there is no try."  The most critical point was to define what a good day means to you.  So many times we spend the day defining it by what doesn't happen or what happens to us that we see as negative or detrimental to our planned progress.  He offered a great tool - identify 2-3 things at the beginning of your day that would make it a great day.  Then guess what?  Work towards accomplishing those things.

Last was Go Big.  This section was all about personal motivation, sacrifice and commitment.  He urged us on to get out of our comfort zone.  Be willing to push ourselves beyond what feels comfortable.  Look at the water's edge and be willing to take a chance.  He quoted the Dalai Lama, "Measure your success by what you had to give up to get it."

So in the end, Brian left us with simple steps to live life to the fullest.  Cuz it's simply worth living.  COWABUNGA, DUDE!!!

1 comment:

Brian Sharp said...

Wow Michael, THANK YOU! I appreciate you taking the time not only to be there but to share it with your audience. A humbling compliment. I was absolutely impressed with the ProNet group and look forward to seeing you all again!
Go BIG or go home!