Monday, February 28, 2011

Ever send a note to the President?

Every once in a while I get a wild hair and do something that is a little out-of-the-box.  We have all been inundated with political rhetoric telling us that their focus is all about jobs.  I have to admit that while I'm seeing some programs out there at different levels and within specific industries, there doesn't appear to be much focus on grassroots efforts as well as getting small business lending to actually occur (all top down efforts instead of bottom up program support).  On the street, there still seems to be the general feeling that jobs are not being created, corporations are hoarding cash and governments that are willing to attempt difficult cuts are being thwarted by public employees.  So what did I do?  I sent a note through the White House's website.  It's not much, but I at least jumped in to offer my two cents worth.

"I must say that we seem to hear more about loftier goals for job creation that essentially are more oriented to big business.  Yes, much innovation and research funding starts there, but it seems that basic business start-up is not a real focus.  With the current budget's impact on the SBA (and specifically the SBDC's), I have a concern that true innovation at the grassroots level will not get the kind of support that it deserves in these times of high unemployment and high vacancy rates in commercial real estate.  Why not have a program that supports business incubators across the country so that they can extend valuable services based on what the local communities are needing?"

So how did I to this?  Go to and click on Contact Us in the upper right hand corner of the home page.  From there it's pretty easy to send a comment.  Make sure that you give it a subject that makes sure that it goes to the appropriate advisory group.  I must say that I'm a firm believer that you have no right to complain if you don't participate in the conversation.  So I would encourage all to participate especially when you have a passion.  Feed the bear, stand up and be counted!!!

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