Friday, January 21, 2011

The foundation of social media

A week ago last Monday I began my quest without really knowing it.  Sounds so Arthurian or at least Monty-Python-ish.  At my weekly ProNet Reno meeting, I started my intense exposure to experts in the social media universe.  I use the word "universe" quite realistically since the virtual world of social media has grown exponentially in the past few years, almost at the rate of growth of the real universe.  And what is rapidly occurring is that as there were experts in the realm of search engine optimization that came out of the woodwork a while back, now social media is the latest sector where many are spreading "the word".  And it's not surprising.  Even the term "social media" has changed in definition and usage.  Now if you play around in the social media sphere, you can be literally bombarded to the point of PTSD with data, pictures, videos and more.  It seems that the real trick is ask yourself, "Self, how are you going to use this tool?". 

My first exposure in the past two weeks came from a gentleman named Mike McDowell with KPS3, a marketing firm out of Reno.  Mike's challenge was to address the wide variety of experience in the room including a few that maybe thought the internet was just a bunch of tubes.  He did a fantastic job of giving all of us the lay of the land.  Most in the room already had LinkedIn and Facebook accounts and at least they had heard of Twitter but couldn't quite figure out how to use it for their job search.  After answering all of the group's questions, Mike had little time to really dig in to the personal branding strategies that can be executed in social media.  For Pronetters we were lucky enough to have Social Media Part 2 the next Monday.  I'll talk more about that next week.  Stay tuned!!!

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