Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Fear and loathing in politics and our economy today

Why has fear become such a fantastic motivator in our political system?  Is this something that has been cultivated?  Are we seeing other countries and factions in our rear view mirror and seeing the possibility of losing our dominant position in the world in our lifetimes?  If the attack on the World Trade Center had never happened, would we be living with less fear?  How is it that policies by one political party are considered greedy or radical or naive or self-serving - who has been appointed judge or arbiter?  Are we now a country that sees the glass has half-empty and wondering why others around the world criticize us for not realizing what great resources we do have?  Why aren't Americans happy with what they have?  Are we looking to blame others when we all participated in a housing bubble that we are all now paying the price for?  Do Americans realize that the current pain the housing market is due to decades of poor economic policies that go back to the Carter years with decisions that have been made by both sides of the aisle?  Can anyone else see that our abdication of our manufacturing sector left us with a dangerous dependency on the construction/building industry on a national level?  And we still have a gigantic dependence on foreign oil and why doesn't any seem to want to talk about the national security issues this brings up?  Are we headed for a "lost decade" like Japan had in the '90's?  How are we going to lift ourselves by our bootstraps when we haven't really done it as a nation since World War II?  When are our leaders going to get serious about creating an environment that will create jobs in this country?

Just a couple of questions on my mind today.  I've been reading the book "Flags of Our Fathers".  It's the book about the flagraisers at Iwo Jima that Clint Eastwood made into a movie. It's probably influenced my questions a bit.

I'll give some thought to some answers a little later...  Thanks for letting me do a mind dump today.  Any thoughts?

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