Friday, February 6, 2009

The stimulus package - Take 2

I only have two things to say.

One - create jobs here in the United States. You can't trust that money given to everyone through vehicles such as tax cuts is going to get spent in the good ol' USA. And I'm not considering going to Wally World and buying a big screen TV the best way to stimulate our economy. China's yes, but not ours. Infrastructure, whether it be highways and bridges or alternative energy development, is the best place to put the funding. Include dealing with the enormous backlog of maintenance in the National Park system. This is a perfect place to put Americans to work using American goods and labor.

Two - ACCOUNTABILITY! I can't say this one loud enough. The American people have had enough with Wall Streeters and others getting OUR MONEY and treating it like toilet paper. Everyone in Washington should have to live with a wage freeze or a wage cut to feel what it's like out in the real world. And those responsible for the lack of accountability with the first bailout plan should be strung upside down and have the money shaken out of every orifice! It's OURS! PERIOD! Take Thane from Merrill and seize his personal property. That's what would happen to someone in the middle class. Who is he that he should be exempt from prosecution? Or how about tar and feathering like in the old days?

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